IDSE Celebrated Its 40th Annual General Body Meeting

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Indian Defense Service Of Engineers, IDSE, Indian Defence Service of Engineers, 40th Annual General Body, Annual General Body, JR Garg, Directorate-General of IDSE, . VK Reddy, President of IDSE, MES, Military Engineer Services, Giriraj Goyal, Girraj Goyal, Goel,Today, on 28 July 2019, IDSE (Indian Defense Service Of Engineers) organized its 40th Annual General Body Meeting at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt.

Today, on 28 July 2019, IDSE (Indian Defense Service Of Engineers) organized its 40th Annual General Body Meeting at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt. Sh JR Garg, IDSE (Indian Defence Service of Engineers), Directorate-General (Pers), attended the event as chief guest, during his Keynote address, Sh. Garg called upon all the IDSE officers to rededicate themselves in the service of the nation-building by providing leadership in the field of defence infrastructure and governance through constant up-gradation of their professional knowledge and management skills.

Sh. VK Reddy, President of IDSE (Indian Defence Service of Engineers) called upon all the IDSE officers to fight unitedly against the injustice being meted to them in the department, only then they will be able to get their legitimate dues in the department and shall be able to deliver as per their true potential to meet the future challenges facing the three armed forces as well as Coast Guard, Defence Production, DRDO, DGQA, DAD and KV Sangathan.

Sh. Giriraj Goyal, Secretary of IDSE (Indian Defence Service of Engineers) also addressed the members during his address, he highlighted various issues that IDSE personnel face everyday with potential solutions.

The AGM was attended by about 150 serving and retired IDSE officers including some former DGs. The most important agenda points discussed during the AGM are inordinate delay in finalizing the fourth cadre review having direct bearing on motivation of IDSE officers, implementation of Jaffa Committee recommendations which were approved by MoD long back and have direct bearing on efficiency of MES, in true letter and spirit; approval of recommendations of Mittal-Arora Committee constituted by the MoD to suggest ways of harmonizing the functioning of various cadres in MES.

IDSE cadre belong to professional and competent cadre of technocrats of Military Engineer Services (MES) which is the oldest and largest Govt. construction organization in the country. MES is a mixed organization comprising of civilians and service personal from Corps of Engineers. MES has five cadres of civilians officers viz IDSE (Engineers), Surveyors, Architect, Admin and Barrack & Stores. IDSE is the largest and leading cadre of MES.

After that, during the AGM resolutions were also passed on the issues following issues:

1. Full-time head of MES.

2. Bifurcation of Corps of Engineers and MES at Command & E in Cs Brands.

3. Gradual withdrawal of Army Personnel from MES and redeploy then to Regiments which are suffering from huge deficiency as recommended by pay commission which will also result in saving of Rs 1200 crore per annum.

4. MES Logo.

5. Stop same rank reporting.

IDSE cadre belongs to a professional and competent cadre of technocrats of Military Engineer Services (MES) which is the oldest and largest Govt. construction organization in the country. MEA is a mixed organization comprising of civilians and service personnel from Crops of Engineers. MES has five cadres of civilians officers viz IDSE (Engineers), Surveyor, Architect, Admin and Barrack & Stores. IDSE is the largest and leading cadre of MES.

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